Page 9 - EIC INTER - Març 2016
P. 9

| Setmana Santa 2016 | Inter. EIC Magazine | 9

            Scientists  and  engineers  in  P5

                atural  curiosity,  observing  engineers, and tested them.
            Nthe  world  around  us  and  During   Science   Week   we
            hands  on  experiments  took  continued        conducting
            place in P5 classrooms between  experiments,  working  on  our
            November 2nd and 25th.        5  senses  through  experiments
                                          and used technology and math
            Ms  Hinkley,  Ms  Schillacci,  Ms  measurements.
            Platt                         Enjoy  our  pictures  from  this
            We worked on our STEM Books  amazing journey.
            (STEM    stand    for-Science,
            Technology,  Engineering  and
            P5  students,  pretending  to  be
            scientists,  followed  steps  of
            the  scientific  method  and  did
            different  experiments  in  the
            classrooms.  As  real  scientists
            they  asked  questions,  formed
            hypothesis,   conducted   the
            experiment,  took  notes  and
            drew  conclusions.  The  children
            enjoyed  making  cars,  boats
            and  houses  using  recycled
            materials while pretending to be
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