Page 7 - EIC INTER - Desember 2013
P. 7

| Desembre de 2013 | Inter. EIC Magazine | 7

            Com  entenem  Maths  Makes  Sense?

                 aths  Makes  Sense  és  una  es  vagin  comprenent  des  del  exemple, fan una gran abraçada
            Mnova  forma  d’aprendre  i  començament, però a la mateixa  quan  estan  multiplicant),  i
            ensenyar les matemàtiques a la  vegada cal tenir en compte que  vocabulari  especial  (get  ready
            nostra escola, la qual cosa s’ha  aquests  es  van  desenvolupant  to  get  some  more  quan  han  de
            de tenir present.             més i aprofundint a mesura que  sumar un número) que els nens
                                          els nens i les nenes es van fent  i  les  nenes  van  aprenent  sense
            natalia linares Martínez      grans.                       adonar-se’n   quan   realitzen
            Aquest    projecte   d’Oxford                              diferents  operacions  o  altres
            University Press es construeix al  Maths Makes Sense és un   continguts d’aquesta àrea.
            voltant  de  10  grans  idees  que  projecte d'Oxford Univeristy   Per  finalitzar,  només  caldria
            es  van  desenvolupant  al  llarg  que ofereix una nova manera   ressaltar  que  quan  es  porta
            de  tots  els  nivells  i  les  diverses  d'aprendre i ensenyar les   a  terme  Maths  Makes  Sense
            lliçons que es porten a terme. Les  matemàtiques.          es  va  combinant  la  instrucció
            principals idees són: la suma, la                          directa  per  part  del  professor
            resta, la multiplicació, la divisió,  I  per  tal  d’assolir  aquest  repte,  o  professora,  quan  s’introdueix
            la igualtat, els símbols ens parlen,  Maths  Makes  Sense   utilitza  un  nou  contingut  amb  l’ajuda
            la lògica del llenguatge ens diu  objectes concrets (gots, targetes,  d’algun   alumne/a   com   a
            la  resposta,  la  denominació,  la  palets de fusta, etc.) que fan que  voluntari, la pràctica guiada, i el
            proporció, i l’infinit.       els  conceptes  més  abstractes  treball  per  parelles  o  en  grups,
            Un  dels  principals  objectius  siguin a l’abast dels i les alumnes;  atès  que,  tal  i  com  diferents
            d’aquest sistema d’aprenentatge  accions   exagerades   que  pedagogs han estudiat, una cosa
            és  que  tots  els  continguts  de  acompanyen  les  matemàtiques  s’aprèn significativament si som
            matemàtiques  que  s’expliquen  que es duen a terme a classe (per  capaços d’explicar-la a algú.

            What are we doing in gardening? How to read and write

                asically in gardening we are                                                            ead   Write   Inc   was  the  proper  way  to  write  the
            Bworking  how  to  deal  with                                                           Rdeveloped by Ruth Miskin,  sound and then they practice it
            and orchard day by day.                                                                 one of the UK's leading experts  in different ways: with salt, with
                                                                                                    on  teaching  children  how  to  plasticine, in the whiteboard, to
            artur sánchez                                                                           read.  Read  write  inc  offers  their  partner's  back,  as  in  this
            We are dedicating one and a half                                                        an   approach   to   teaching  approach  we  work  in  partners,
            hours per week, so we can not do                                                        literacy  which  raises  results  of  etc.
            lot of things everyday. However,                                                        behaviour  across  the  whole  Every day read write inc teachers
            we are planning the orchard as a                                                        school.   This   approach   to  repeat  the  sounds  they  have
            multidisciplinary subject, dealing                                                      teaching  reading  and  writing  done and introduce a new one.
            with  behaviour,  sustainability,                                                       is proven to deliver results very  As  teachers  have  seen,  this
            and  some  social  skills  like:                                                        fast.                         approach is working succesfully,
            responsibility and respect for the                                                                                    as children imitate them during
            nature.                                                                                 school                        the  day  and  they  look  happy
                                                                                                    We  started  this  aproach  in  our  singing  the  phonics  song  and
            We are planning the orchard                                                             school  starting  in  preschool.  listening  to  new  stories  when
            as a multidisciplinary subject                                                          We  did  small  groups  with  our  the session has finished.
            and every time we are doing                                                             children  and  only  sessions  of
            gardening, we're doing into a                                                           twenty  minutes.  Every  day,
            diary to see how it is developing                                                       following  the  same  outline
            day by day.                                                                             and  being  very  precise  the
                                                                                                    children  started  to  know  how
            Every  time  we  are  doing                                                             the  approach  worked:  my  turn:
            gardening  we  take  notes  about                                                       "a,  a,  a,  apple". Your  turn:  "a,  a,
            what we're doing into a diary and                                                       a, apple". The teacher shows the
            we  are  drawing  the  orchard  to                                                      "a"  while  she  does  the  sound
            see how it is developing day by                                                         and says the word. Once this is
            day. We normally split the class in                                                     repeated several times, she starts
            two, so we can work better in the                                                       to  teach  the  children  how  to
            orchard,  just  with  a  fe  number                                                     write the sound with the magic
            of students and after a while we                                                        finger.  "Magic  fingers?  Yes?
            swap the group, who was doing                                                           Round the apple, down the leaf".
            the diary and the drawing.                                                              The  teacher  shows  the  children
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