Page 4 - Sòcrates Educa
P. 4

The Socrates Educa® Educational Project
                                                      is an initiative of the Escola Internacio-
                                           02         nal del Camp Foundation. It meets the
                                                      need for an avant-garde and high quality
             Educational                              The student is the protagonist of their
                                                      own learning and global development.
             Project with the                         New ways of learning and developing

             student at the                           in all areas of knowledge: Social-Hu-
                                                      manistic, Scientific-Technological and
             centre                                   Artistic.

             Today’s school, looking                  We integrate digital tools for daily use in
                                                      classrooms as well as advanced metho-
             towards the future                       dological resources.
                                                      The Socrates Educa® School is pluralis-
                                                      tic, non-denominational and multilingual.
                                                      It is anchored in the local territory and
                                                      open to the world.
                                                      The School is a motor for social change
                                                      and a tool for the future.
                                                      Students develop curricular skills of
                            98%                       cooperative working, critical thinking,
                                                      creativity, research and initiative taking.
                                                      We foster empathy and effectiveness in
                                                      communication, responsibility and the
                                                      capacity to make decisions as well as de-
             of our students study in their first choice   velop their own personal projects.
             university                               They learn by doing and face up to
             Our strong academic support plan and guidance   challenges and learning opportunities
             are the key to helping our students to successfully
             pursue their first choice of studies.    which they encounter on their pathway.

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