Page 3 - Sòcrates Educa
P. 3


                                                       Pass rate in IB/BAT/PAU
                                                       We develop the qualities, talents and capacity of
                                                       our students for personal improvement

                                                       The student is at the centre of the Socra-
                                                       tes Educa  Educational Project to grow
                                                       academically, socially and emotionally so
              The Educational                          that, with the full development of their
                                                       personality, they become a free and
              Project: Mission                         happy person; autonomous and entre-
                                                       preneurial; with the ability to face the
              The development of talent and            challenges posed by the most advanced
              abilities of each student in a           societies.
              multicultural and international          It promotes rigour, self-discipline and
              environment                              healthy habits, initiative and creativity,
                                                       the demands of a job well done, the
                                                       culture of effort, joy and good rela-
                                                       tionships amongst all members of the
                                                       educational community.
                                                       The four fundamental pillars of the
                                                       Educational Project are: internationality,
                                                       excellent use of technology, sustainabili-
                                                       ty and community service. These enable
                                                       our students to become an open-min-
                                                       ded person, committed to their local
                                                       area and community, sensitive to and
                                                       aware of the environment and the glo-
                                                       bal multicultural world around them.

                                                               Socrates Educa   Educational Project _ 3
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