Page 4 - EIC Bulletin - Febrer 2022
P. 4

Comença el joc
          Dilluns 24 de gener vam tenir la visita dels Mossos d’Esquadra al nostre centre per fer
          una activitat titulada “Comença el joc”, destinada a l’alumnat de 2n d’ESO. Els objectius
          d’aquesta activitat són situar els joves en les normes que regeixen la societat, sobretot el
          codi penal, i fer-los conèixer que, amb 14 anys, ja perden la impunitat penal; conscienciar-
          los que els seus actes tenen conseqüències; fer-los reflexionar sobre la importància de
          prendre bones decisions, entre d’altres. És un taller pràctic i molt útil.
          Estem molt contents de la bona col·laboració que hi ha entre els Mossos d’Esquadra i el
                                                                                    Ms García

                                                                          Special project
                                                                          During the first two weeks of January, Primary 6 were working hard on their project
                                                                          - FOOTBALL. The children were working in groups to research and then present their
                                                                          findings. They demonstrated fantastic team work, an ability to work independently
                                                                          and think critically. Different subjects gave them opportunities to look into various
                                                                          aspects of football and led them to discover interesting facts which they then turned
                                                                          into articles and videos in order to share with others.
                                                                                                                                          Primary 6 team

          Brand new display inauguration!
          If you don't know what is going on in the first cycle and you are curious about what our
          6 and 7 year old students are learning about, have a look at our new information display
          board, you can always learn something new.
                                                                                   Ms Albo

                                     Informació pràctica

               EIC SHOP                                                     SUDADERA 10º ANIVERSARIO EIC

               Here  are  the  EIC  Shop  opening  hours:                   Pueden adquirir la sudadera del 10° aniversario de la EIC.
               order  online  for  a  faster  service  and                  La pueden encontrar en la tienda a un precio único de 24'20€.
               don’t forget that we now sell shoes Sizes:                   Tallas S-M-L y XL
               Moccasins  up  to  size  40,  Velcro  to  38,                NO FORMA PARTE DEL UNIFORME ESCOLAR.
               Trainers to 38.

               Normal hours:
               •   Tuesdays  and  Thursdays:  From
                  4:30pm to 6pm
               •   Wednesdays: From 8:30am to 10am
               The  shop  will  be  closed  on  November


                   There are lots of fun activities you can do as a family to help your child with their learning and to support the school curriculum
                   •  Visit a museum or historical site
                   •  Visit the library and choose a book
                   •  Plan a route using maps, compass or GPS
                   •  Look at the stars at night and find out about the planets
                   •  Go shopping and use real money
                   •  Plant seeds and watch them grow
                   •  Make a model, picture or collage with everyday household items
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