Page 3 - EIC Bulletin - Desembre 2021
P. 3

            This  year,  during  the  Science Week,  our  students  have  been  learning  and
            exploring the topic “Vegetables, fruit and seeds” they have explored a wide
            range of activities and projects from planting to cooking, poster exhibitions,
            photograph contest, mentoring activities, multi language poems and comics,
            rhythms and crafts following student’s interests, abilities and skills. On top of
            that, students have created green corners in their classrooms and corridors,
            given plants a vital role in their learning ensuring
            pupil’s increased concentration and attention span and responsibility, helping
            them to feel more calm and relaxed developing student’s wellbeing.

                                                                                             First Cycle
                                                                                             Students  have  enjoyed  exploring  fruits  and  vegetables  in  all  its
                                                                                             dimensions; they have created posters using super vegetables and
                                                                                             super fruits heros collaboratelly.  Pupils have also enjoyed planting
                                                                                             in the garden and in their classrooms, making their own planting
                                                                                             journals  and  using  their  creativity.  Primary  2,  they  also  had  the
                                                                                             chance to take part in the introductory first Aid Course. Well done
                                                                                             First Cycle!!

            Pla d'Acció Tutorial
            Dins el nostre Pla d'Acció Tutorial (PAT), els alumnes de Bat2 ha rebut diverses visites
            aquesta setmana. Dijous vam rebre la visita d'un membre de la Policia Municipal
            de Salou que ens va explicar moltes coses de Seguretat Vial i l'ús dels patinets
            elèctrics que tan de moda s'han posat últimament. Moltes gràcies JuanMa per les
            teves explicacions!
            Per altra banda, divendres també vam rebre la visita de l'Aitor, membre de la Creu
            Roja, que ens va fer una xerrada sobre el VIH i la Sida per mirar de conscienciar els
            nostres alumnes de la importància de la prevenció i mirar d'evitar estigmatitzar
            aquesta malaltia.
                                                                              Neus Roig

                                                                                             Primary 4 Virtual Exchange Program
                                                                                             This month the Primary 4 students have participated in a linguistic
                                                                                             and cultural exchange with our partner school in Taiwan. Students
                                                                                             from the HuaWen Global School in Taipei sent us videos and we
                                                                                             have responded using both our Mandarin and English skills. The
                                                                                             students have done a great job creating their videos and uploading
                                                                                             them using the platform Flipgrid. Well done, Primary 4!
                                                                                                                                             Christina Pablo

            Title: Virtual laboratories and coding, Bat/IB                                Cambridge, Confucius and Premis 30 d'octubre:
            This  past  month  our  2nd  year  Physics  students  wrote  a  simple        Today  we  presented  certificates  to  over  100  students  who  were
            Python code to solve an electromagnetism problem. They also used              successful in their Cambridge exams (PET to Advanced) and Confucius
            spreadsheets to create a virtual laboratory and study the time evolution      (YCT & HSK) as well as the winners in the Premis 30 d'octubre which is an
            of  radioactive  material. Why  should  we  be  interested  in  virtual  labs   annual arts competition running in Salou for creative writing in English,
            and coding? Not only are virtual labs very powerful and widely used           Spanish and Catalan as well as in drawing, painting and photography.
            in science, but also, in a rapidly digitising world, mastering tech skills    Well done everyone!
            and coding skills is certainly a plus. If you are interested in coding and
            education, the school is going to run an Open Zoom meeting on the
            topic on January 19th.
                                                                 Mrs L Gazzola
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