Page 2 - EIC Bulletin - Maig 2021
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          CALENDARI ESCOLAR: Maig 2021


          3 - Dia de festa, escola tancada excepte per als exàmens d'IB
          3 - 20 - Exàmens IB

          4 - 6 - “Competèncias Bàsiques” - Test de competències, Primària 6
          10 - Reunió EIC Open Zoom - El teu/va fill/a, pantalles i límits - viure amb nens/adolescents

          11 - 14 - Simulacre d'exàmens PAU BAT2
          15 - Exàmens de xinès (YCT) a l'escola

          19 - Reunió de transició d'ESO3 a ESO4
          21 - Graduació de BAT/IB2

          24 - Reunió EIC Open Zoom, “Ets el que menges”

                                                 Vida a l'Escola

                                                                        Spring 'Garden' Market Project
                                                                        Our students have been working on a mini-enterprise project to grow and produce
          Internet Safety talk                                          flowers and other products to sell in a "market" in order to raise some money to re-
          ESO1  students  had  a  talk  about  internet  safety         invest in growing and producing in the garden. Children in Early Years have been
          from the Mossos d’Esquadra where they were told               propagating flowers to sell since October and have also made other products like seed
          of dangers such as phishing, pharming or hoaxes.              bombs. Meanwhile, BAT students Hugo and Felipe volunteered as part of their CAS
          After the talk, students asked questions and were             hours to upcycle wooden pallets into planters before passing them on to Miss Cecilia's
          given advice to make them aware of the risks.                 Primary children to paint and varnish ready for sale.
          The purpose of the talk was to make them aware                Next Thursday and Friday, 6th & 7th May, we will be selling various garden products
          of manipulative and toxic information available on            produced by EIC learners. The planters, seeds bombs and plants, amongst other items
          the internet.                                                 can be purchased outside the school from 8:15 and then again after school at 4:15.

                                    Informació pràctica


              Spanish                                       Correct English                               Wrong English (SPANGLISH!)

              realizar                                      to carry out / achieve                        to realise

              lectura                                       reading                                       lecture

              actual                                        current                                       actual

              asistir                                       to attend/be present at                       assist
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